Motherhood; Ahmeda’s Joy

Motherhood from Ammazing Multimedia on Vimeo.

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  1. Chilling experience, but very beautiful segment of Ammazing series, mothers are so precious.  Thanks for your continuous education.

  2. Thank you Sheila, Ahmeda’s story is touching

  3. The heart of a mother, the strength of a woman….watch that lil' dude…babies that go through such are truly destined for greatness!!! Bless Jib x

  4. Helen, that is extremely touching. Babies that fight for their life like Jibril did come to change the world.

  5. Such a strong woman you are.  babies are truly resilliant. I absolutely agree with you about listening to your instincts.  I gave birth to my son in March via emergency c-section as well, he weight only 3 lbs.  I always felt something was not quite right with the size of my stomach during pregnancy and knew that i should have gained more thanthe 15lbs i did, but of course each time i brought it up with the doctors, i was reasured that every woman and every pregnancy is different and not to worry. Fortunately i insisted on having a 3rd ultrasound, at which time, a very competent ultra sound tecnitian agreed with me and my concerns, consulted with a few doctors who made the quick decision to operate immediately.. Ahmeda, thank you for sharing such a  touching story. Jib will achieve true greatness

  6. Alverine, your story moved me. I am hearing more and more women reiterate the “trust your instinct’ mantra. We have to be our own advocate and push until we get the right attention. Thank you for sharing

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